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NatGeo Earth Day Run 2013


There are more reasons to celebrate the Earth Day. And there are more ways to do it. But what on Earth did the Road Eaters do to participate in this event?


Of course, of the many reasons to take part in this celebration, the Road Eaters simply became one with the Earth by joining National Geographic Channel's Earth Day Run 2013.

Weekly marathons were no longer a surprise and were already part of the Road Eaters culture. Nothing could stop them, even if this run attracted anxiety due to the recent Boston Marathon tragedy; even if this was another expense (sheesh); nor after a punishing trail run a week ago! What on Earth!

Well, they made sure that this should be a group run, and this should be slower, noisier (they made fun of everything that their eyes could bear to see), and selfier. Selfie-er or Groupie-er? Oh, they kept on showing their best poses for each photographer along the way. Unfortunately, some were only by-standers. False Alarm.

The Jemai signature pose.

Road Eaters Anjo, Arjay and first-time 21K runner MJ competitively went ahead of the group. Sam the newest member of the club also joined this race.

On their Finisher's Tee.

Race Results (updated on June 7, 2013)

Off to Longganisa Sorpresa!

The North Face 100 Trail Run 2013

Intense. That's how the heat can be described when summer is already in the Philippines. This period is the peak of the sun's intensive heat.

Fortunately for the runners, the much anticipated The North Face 100 Trail Run was held in the Summer Capital of the Philippines where heat was not too much to bear.

Of course, months before this run, the Road Eaters were already eyeing for their involvement in this extreme adventure.

Experiencing the 10 MOST out of TNF 100 Trail Run
A Road Eater's Perspective
(in random order)

1. THE MOST EXPENSIVE RUN - considering the cost of the travel fare, hotel fees, foods and souvenirs.

2. IT'S THEIR FIRST 50K RUN - strong and determined Road Eaters were eager to get out of their comfort zones and test their abilities to face unfamiliar challenges. Some succeeded but we congratulate all 50K runners!

3. THE FIRST TRAIL RUN - an exciting journey that let the Road Eaters soar the heights of the mountains, so close to the energy-giving pine trees with a bonus magnificent scenery.

The 11K and 22K runners of the Road Eaters Running Club

4. RERC WAS THE MOST PARTNERED CLUB - remembering the moments with the Ultra Snail Brotherhood, Brooks Running Consultants and the Team Tukod.

5. THEY HAD THE MOST NUMBER OF EATING SESSIONS - of course, as expected!
     a. First breakfast at McDonald's (that means there's a second breakfast, a third, a fourth, a fifth...) just kidding!
     b. Lunch at Cafe at the Ruins
     c. Ice Cream and Taho Strawberry for snacks
     d. Other undocumented eating sessions while inside the van, hotel, and other places of attractions during their 4-day out-of-town adventure

6. THE FIRST ENERGIZING AND REFRESHING MARATHON - thanks to the ambiance of the City of Pines

7. THE MOST DANGEROUS RUN - given the steep ups and downs of the path, big rocks and the insanely narrow mountain sides. One incorrect step and you might fall into the abyss of nothingness.

8. THE MOST PAINFUL RUN - it's the worst self-inflicted punishment in a totally peaceful and refreshing environment. Runners would do everything, either to finish the race before the cut-off period or to remain alive and avoid the pitfalls.

Arjay seemed he really enjoyed the run!

9. IT'S THEIR LONGEST OUT-OF-TOWN TRAVEL - the Road Eaters started their journey on a Friday and went back to the metropolis on a Monday.

10. THEY HAD THE MOST NUMBER OF EXTRA-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES - during their 4-day stay in Baguio, they were taking their turns in running for the marathon, strolling, sight-seeing, half a day of taking photos, eating, and/or sleeping for recovery.

Here's what they've got after the marathon: A beautifully-engraved medallion!

Re-united at last...

Race Results (updated on May 9, 2013)

Trail Simulation Training Run: Timberland Heights and Nature Club

In preparation for The North Face 100 2013 Marathon in Baguio-Benguet, the Road Eaters took the road less-traveled in San Mateo, Rizal. 'Twas a refreshing way to get outdoors and explore nature, thanks to Wilbert and JL who led the team to this fun challenge. Obstacles such as uneven terrains, tree roots and bamboo bridges added to their strength program.

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Long Slow Distance Run: Norzagaray-Bit-Bit River Part 1

"Get up, get up, get up!"

Road Eaters Sam, Jemai, Jeck, Jerome, MJ, and Kirk took advantage of the holiday as they kicked off their first LSD  run to Bit-Bit river on an early Tuesday morning. It was a great practice for the upcoming TNF 100 marathon.

Coach Karlo led the team of barako runners to a phenomenal 13.5-kilometer uphill run to reach the river and the same 13.5-kilometer lane going back to the town proper of Norzagaray, Bulacan.

The stunning scenery was very appealing to the boys that they plunged into the river...

...and Coach Karlo was at that time, amazed as a spectator. XD

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